Artist speed dating by Martina Miholic in Porec, Croatia
An interactive project that brings together local artists, curators, community and visitors in the popular dating form. The aim is to familiarize people with cultural and political ideas coming from their local community, through a direct contact.
POUP Porec, together with the newly opened Hostel Papalinna, hosted this project, providing a different way to promote artistic activities outside the gallery environment.
Participating artists were E. Berton, D. Brajkovic, T. Brajnovic, P.Brajnovic, Dj. Bozic, S. Damiani, M. Debeljuh, R. Dusic, P. Ivancic, D. Sapanjos along with Martina Miholic.
In her practice, the artist explores a wide specter of communication problems and channels, questioning boundaries and gaps in communication as well as their (side)products: stereotypes, dogmas, prejudices, etc.
Martina Miholic, Mala Galerija & Hostel Papalinna, Porec, 21th June, 2014
by Sabina Damiani
in News
Jul 1, 2014