
Berlin, Fuck Off Google, transmediale festival, Shmoogle, Desperately Seeking SMASH THE SHMOOGLEARCHY. When Andy Kaufman meets Google?
Droste Effect |

Review by: Mária Horváthová   Since when is becoming the thing you hate a good idea? If there’s one thing I take from transmediale festival this year, it is this mantra which I’ve since pinned …

in: News
Joan Lee, Soohyun Choi, GlogauAIR, Berlin, art residency, curatorship, interview Berlin Outpost | Interview with curator Joan Lee
Eleonora Castagna |

Here in Berlin we had the pleasure to have a chat with Joan Lee, an independent young curator coming from New York. We met her at GlogauAIR, a nonprofit artist residency and project space, in …

in: Focus on Europe
Arthur Fouray, ZQM Arthur Fouray’s “2080″ at ZQM in Berlin
Eleonora Castagna |

Eleonora Castagna: The exhibition you are presenting at ZQM in Berlin (which was inaugurated on the 20th of May and will close on the 18th of June) was presented through several steps. One of the …

in: Focus on Europe
Office for Anti-Propaganda, 2011 Installation view “Opening the Door? Belarus Art Today”, Zacheta, Warszawa National Gallery(PL) Pending Propaganda
Vincenzo Estremo |

The etymology of the word Propaganda comes from the Latin Pro-pagere in which pagere means seed, spread, and the prefix pro means forward, for long. In digital era, the word propaganda seems to be anachronistic: …

in: Focus on Europe
Tìmea Anita Oravecz at Haus Ungarn, Berlin Tímea Anita Oravecz: Nothing that Exists or Happens is Symmetrical
Droste Effect |

The central symbol of the shamanistic cosmology is the World Tree which connects the heavens and the underworld to our earthly world. Shamans were travelers between these three spheres and intermediaries between worlds, thereby acting as spiritual …

in: News
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