Toriawase at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
Curated by the SJICA’s Chief Curator Cathy Kimball and her colleague, the internationally recognized Japanese art curator Misako Mitsui, Toriawase includes traditional Japanese artworks—notably beautiful scrolls and carvings—juxtaposed against striking contemporary works, including those by the California-based artists Marc d’Estout, Bean Finneran, and the late Jay DeFeo. This several-year project has culminated in a thoughtful, surprising and playful exhibition that captures the spirit of toriawase – that is, to pick out and put together. The old and the new are curated and paired to encourage visual conversation. At the entrance of the gallery is a set of 19th century scrolls, whose subtlety of brushstrokes captures the changing of the seasons, coupled with Marc d’Estout’s Gesture, a subtle steel sculpture which in its abstraction feels like something from nature. Gesture, form, and precision—with just a dash of spontaneity—are put forward. Bean Finneran’s composed ceramic sculpture White Ring sits below a white and blue, 18th century ceramic dish; here, the power of the circular form and the strength of serenity is invoked. None of the contemporary artists profess to any “Japanese influence.” However, they share with their forebears a sense of proportion, a balance between austerity and warmth, and finally, mastery of the elegant finish.
Toriawase, group show, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, through 17 May 2014.

Marc D’Estout, Gesture, 2013, Fabricated sheet steel, paint and charcoal, courtesy of the artist and Jack Fischer Gallery, Toriawase, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose

Matsumura Keibun, Go Sekku – Five Seasonal Festivals in Japan, c. 1820, Sumi ink and color on paper, courtesy of Mitsui Fine Arts, Inc., Toriawase, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose

Unknown Artist, Ko-Imari Sometsuke, c. mid-18th century, courtesy of Mitsui Fine Arts, Inc. Toriawase, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose

Bean Finneran, White Ring, 2003/2014, clay glaze and acrylic stain, courtesy of the artist, Toriawase, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose
by Catherine Nueva España
in News
May 14, 2014