Call for Interns – Droste Effect seeks a Promotion and Fundraising Assistant


Call for interns at Droste Effect magazine


Specific project: Droste Effect magazine – Art magazine on paper for format-specific artists projects + online platform for contemporary art

Job description: To elaborate and put in use creative strategies for the funding, promotion and spreading of Droste Effect magazine and other Droste Effect web and publishing projects. To assist Droste Effect’s team in the organization of curatorial events.

Learning outcomes of the internship/Tasks of the trainee (one or more of the following): To combine curatorial, PR and management abilities for the planning and execution of all those activities resulting from what stated in the “Job description.” To be in charge of follow-up emails from partners, funders and advertisers. To examine several case studies in the publishing field (related to contemporary art), their business model and their financial resources as start-ups. To compile or sketch a business plan for a start-up in the field of art publishing.

Main language of the internship: English (excellent/mother tongue), Italian (conversational).

Work location: Bologna

Period and Length: To be defined

Requirements: Computer literacy. High interpersonal skills. Optional: understanding of WordPress and social media; knowledge of data analysis software.

Deadline to send the CV: March 23, 2014

Contact: send your application (CV + statement) to

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