
Bulletin, Media Art, Art Market, Alessio Chierico, Droste Effect, Droste Effect magazine, publishing, graphic design Bulletin #9 – Media Art and the Art Market. What’s going on?
Droste Effect |

    Droste Effect presents Bulletin: non academic art papers Link to free publication: Bulletin #9. Media Art and the Art Market: What’s going on? by Alessio Chierico Abstract: Media Art is a controversial term that …

in: Bulletin
diamond-2 The re-mediated book: Toast at Atelier Salzamt Linz
Vincenzo Estremo |

    The shape of books changes throughout history, reflecting institutional paradigms. Physical supports interface with institutional archiviation and distribution processes. And right at the center of Toast: Zur Erweiterung des Buchformats Expanding the Book …

in: Focus on Europe
2014 Ars Electronica Festival 2014 Ars Electronica Festival. Creativity and Innovation; focus on Artists as catalysts
Bruna Esperi |

«C … what it takes to change» is the theme of this year’s Ars Electronica in Linz, where the C stands for change and for confidence but also for creativity, collaboration and catalysts. The fascinating …

in: Focus on Europe
Art Meets Radical Openness 2014 Art Meets Radical Openness 2014
Vincenzo Estremo |

A few days ago a famous Italian curator and art writer suggested an event in Linz through her Facebook page. She was talking about Art Meets Radical Openness 2014, or just AMRO. She (the curator) asked …

in: Focus on Europe
GUERNICA SYNDROME Azor, 2012 Foto: Fernando Sánchez Castillo Franco’s Boat and Crossing Europe – An international Film Festival in Linz
Vincenzo Estremo |

“I loved you so much once. I did. More than anything in the whole wide world. Imagine that. What a laugh that is now. Can you believe it? We were so intimate once upon a …

in: Focus on Europe
Peter Schlör, Landes Galerie Linz Peter Schlör | Light Shift. Going deep inside landscape photography
Bruna Esperi |

Peter Schlör’s solo exhibition at Landes Galerie Linz is just finished, but I would like to direct your special attention to the “Light Shift” works. Artist Peter Schlör made a name for himself with his peculiar …

in: Focus on Europe
Frank Louis,
Drift, 2010,
NORDICO Stadtmuseum Linz TROPHIES. New Acquisitions for the collection of NORDICO Museum
Bruna Esperi |

The exhibition TROPHIES. New Acquisitions for the Collection 2011/2012 shows 50 artworks by 18 artists that were purchased on the recommendation of curators Martina Gelsinger and Holger Jagersberger for the City Museum of Linz. The …

in: News
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