
Joel Hagen | Apr 10, 2014
Before I go further, let’s get the recommendation out of the way. If you have a chance to see the Jim Hodges retrospective, “Give More Than You Take,” currently at the Walker Art Center, just …
in: Focus on the American West
Joel Hagen | Feb 20, 2014
I’m 12 feet down the hallway of the Vivian Maier exhibit and I’m trying not to cry and I’m trying to figure out a reason. I walked in with a cursory sense of the photographer. …
in: Focus on the American West
Joel Hagen | Jan 10, 2014
One of the goals of a well-tuned barbershop quartet is the distinct “fifth voice,” which is an acoustic phenomenon found when four rich voices sing certain chords. The harmonics align just right to create a …
in: Focus on the American West
Joel Hagen | Aug 1, 2013
As someone who comes at the art scene from a lit background, I admit I have my preferences when it comes to picking events and shows to see. I’m much more apt to latch onto …
in: Focus on the American West
Joel Hagen | Jul 3, 2013
Minnesota spends a lot of time each year covered with snow. LOTS of time. Eight months to be exact. Once the snow finally leaves after the last insane-making storm in early May, the denizens of …
in: Focus on the American West
Joel Hagen | Jun 11, 2013
Turning the first corner after entering the Minneapolis Photo Center is akin to what I believe it would feel like to get slapped in the face with the face of death. But in a good …
in: Focus on the American West
Joel Hagen | May 12, 2013
Truthiness, if you don’t know, is a term coined by satirical television pundit Stephen Colbert, and it refers to the ambiguous realm between fact and belief and the places that belief wins. The Minneapolis Institute …
in: Focus on the American West
Joel Hagen | May 12, 2013
Art in Bloom events are held at galleries around the U.S. in the spring. The galleries challenge local florists to create arrangements that are inspired by specific paintings or sculptures found within the museum. Taking …
in: Focus on the American West