Katalin Ladik (BOSCH+BOSCH)

Jon Rafman, Dream Journal, Frieze, New York, art fair, Frieze 2017 Frieze New York 2017. Reality, times a thousand
Matilde Soligno |

    On Friday morning, as I was getting ready to travel to Frieze, and I was complaining via Whattsapp with a friend of mine about how far it is from downtown Manhattan, and even …

in: Focus on the American East
FM Centro per l'arte contemporanea, Eastern European Art, Non-Aligned Modernity, Marco Scotini, BOSCH+BOSCH, Marinko Sudac Collection Non-Aligned Modernity. Eastern-European Art at FM Milano
Vincenzo Estremo |

There was a time in which the term “Iron Curtain” was more than a simple definition for the boundary that used to divide Europe into two separate areas. A time when Westerners thought to be …

in: Focus on Europe
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