David Goldblatt

Abdoulaye Konaté, Non à la Charia au Sahel, 2013 Textile, cm h 230x350, Collezione privata – Bologna, Italia The White Hunter! African art and the West at FM Milano
Vincenzo Estremo |

The hunter is the one who has the tools to exercise power. He achieves his goal when he brutalizes his victim. He keeps his position. He is careless, unscrupulous; with or without his gun. The …

in: Focus on Europe
Athi-Patra Ruga, Yerba Buena Center for trts Public Intimacy: Art and Other Ordinary Acts in South Africa
Catherine Nueva España |

Public Intimacy is a well-curated series of works that have some specter of defiance about them. There is also the sense that both public and private intimacies are being watched, on one end by curious …

in: News
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