Bulletin #2 – Urban Care: Shifting Strategies


Bulletin, art paper, online publication, contemporary art


Droste Effect presents: Bulletin, a non-academic, curated online publication. Monthly on Droste Effect magazine

Bulletin #2: Urban Care: Shifting Strategies by Maia Nichols


Imagine a grain and a fencer. A grain of rice, a grain of fabric, a grain of smoke. In a discussion with a fencer, the grain matters little. Here, three projects are examined to consider covert hierarchies. A garden bed spells out Zu Spät (too late). A reconfiguration of the Weinheber Monument by a collaborative group based in Vienna lifts up the earth around its base. A video following the Workers Leaving the Googleplex starts tackling the systemic malaise of ranking workers. These projects are considered for what they achieve in approaching the effects of guilt, through interventions in site that shed light on distinct issues in worker struggle, and deeply anchored governmental histories.

About the author:

Maia Nichols (b. Berkeley, CA) is an artist and writer currently based in Los Angeles. Her writing has appeared in Contemporary Art Review Los Angeles, Full Stop Magazine, Bartleby Review, The Art Book Review, Itineration: Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Rhetoric, Media, and Culture, and The DIAGRAM, among others. Recent international exhibitions include Fundación Botín, Agora Collective, and Dynamo Arts Association. Forthcoming exhibitions include Fondazione Antonio Ratti, July 2016. She holds degrees in both Psychology and Visual Art from the University of British Columbia and an M.A. from the California Institute of the Arts.

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in Bulletin

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