Manuele Menconi

Articles by Manuele Menconi

Gianluca Vassallo Shoot me! Orlando: Guerrilla art in response to violence

Art is the only place where Guerrilla is good. We see the proof in what happened in Italy one week after the Orlando massacre, where 49 people lost their life. The clubs in Florence, Milan and …

Omaggio a Burri, Galleria Acquario Damiano Quaranta. A tribute to Alberto Burri

Rome’s new-kid-on-the-block Damiano Quaranta pays homage to Alberto Burri with a solo exhibition at Galleria Acquario, one of the most important places in Rome for national and international artists. While exploring the creative world built …

Live Performance, èStile Alchemy in Black and White – A performance for AltaRoma

The Roman Concept Store èStile promotes fashion passing through art with Alchemy in Black and White, a special event set up for AltaRoma. A performance transformed this space into a factory where two different languages …

Designer Adal by Nora Renaud, opera di Alfredo Pirri, Galleria Giacomo Guidi A.I. The Place/Non-Place Where Art and Fashion Meet in Rome

The fashion world as we conceive it is a result of different forces, influences and ideas from other fields which have converged in it. Art, for instance, played a central part in the renovation of …

Escher, Chiostro del Bramante Escher seen in Rome. Prospectively the same after ten years

Many things can come to your mind when you wonder about Escher. The artistic period in which he developed his marks is for sure one of a kind, filled with several different influences. Even the …

Aterballetto, Workwithinwork, Ph. Alfredo Anceschi Aterballetto Dance Company wows Rome

Imagine an Italian dance company and its cultural heritage, than put it on the European contemporary scene. Give it the chance to work with two of the most renowned choreographers, one from the US and …

Arne Maasik, Complesso del Vittoriano The Given Space Of Arne Maasik

Arne Maasik and the exploration of the threshold concept in photography. With ‘Given Space/Spazio Dato’, the Estonian artist tries to overcome this theme with a precise work in which he balances light and perspective. The …

Aakash Nihalani, Art is Real - Una collezione Impermanente, Roma Art is Real… A One-Shot Event In Rome

A temporary art event will take place next Thursday in Rome. A building located in Piazza Pasquinio 69 which is going to be restored and transformed by the end of September in a luxury apartment …

Gionata Xerra, Museo Beni Culturali Cappuccini Gionata Xerra brings his Travellers to Genoa

From Australopithecus to the technological contemporary man, the need for travel is inscribed inside human DNA.  With an exhibition about this theme, Italian artist and photographer Gionata Xerra explores the different dimensions connected to the …

Cornelis Kruys, FlashBack, Galleria Caretto, Torino FlashBack. All art is contemporary

Desperate times call for desperate measures, a motto says. That’s what’s happening to art in Italy, where its state is not desperate but, at least, one of a kind. FlashBack is a new fair born …

Giulia Cenci, SpazioA Gallery Giulia Cenci at Artissima

Time is under our soles. Its flowing generates our past and under our feet walks our future. Giulia Cenci’s work for Artissima is all about the preciousness of time, its way of building and deconstructing …

Ceren Oykut, X-Ist Gallery Interview with Ceren Oykut at Artissima

What is my name? Thinking and working on this question, the Turkish artist Ceren Oykut took out from the recent, difficult, life of her people, a floating universe of images. After last summer’s facts of …

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