Video Preview – Droste Effect magazine no. zero, Spring 2013
Droste Effect is a new contemporary art magazine that features unpublished artworks, expressly thought for the paper/magazine format. The object includes limited-edition serigraphies, zine tear sheets and collectibles. No. zero was launched on March 23, 2013 at Fruit – Self-Publishing Exhibition in Bologna, Italy. You can see a preview of no. zero in the video above.
Artists in no. zero are: Teodoro Lupo | Iacopo Seri | Cristiana Palandri | Skki Copyrighted | Thomas Kilpper | Giulia Bonora | Nicola Genovese | Massimo Ricciardo
Publishers and Editors:
Vincenzo Estremo/Editorial Director
Dania Rotatori/Communication Director
Matilde Soligno/Project Manager
Design by Vênus et Milö. Copy Editing and Translation by EDI.MAT, Bologna. Printed by Tipografia Negri, Bologna. Serigraphy printed by Seri Print, Naples. Cover artwork by Vênus et Milö, in collaboration with Giulia Bonora.
by Droste Effect
in Featured, News
Jul 15, 2013
che bella rivista!