Mara Bertoni

Articles by Mara Bertoni

Thomas Hoepker, Foam, Magnum Contact Sheets Magnum Contact Sheets. A visual demystification of History

Magnum Contact Sheets presents an overview of historical moments purely presented as they have been captured – and somehow stolen – to become unforgettable icons. If displaying contact sheets is a taboo for photography, in …

Michael Dean, Qualities of Violence, De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam Michael Dean. Qualities of Violence at De Appel, Amsterdam

Once you get into De Appel, you step into small black plastic balloons, and immediately ask yourself if they are filled with some killer gas instead of air. Especially since millions of cents are inviting you to …

Victor Man, Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Repubblica di San Marino Gen X – A painting path for light divers

Gen X is a group exhibition combining international artists born in between the Sixties and the Seventies. Their works are displayed within the spaces of the Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contempo­ranea of the Republic of …

Gaia Fugazza, Studiolo #9, Spazio Cabinet, Milano - Courtesy Spazio Cabinet, Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin Gaia Fugazza, Studiolo #9 at Spazio Cabinet, Milan

Within her works, artist Gaia Fugazza questions the meaning of presence, its possibilities to be expanded and bridged to a material reality, that the artist sees and elaborates through the remains of everyday life and …

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